Prostate Cancer, but What Else?

Discover the tests aging men can’t live without! Despite how common these diseases are, most men miss out on regular screening — simple scans and screenings can save your life. Heart disease, cancer, and accidents are the top killers of men. Don’t miss out, take charge of your health and prolong your life. IMPORTANT LINKS:

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Prostate Cancer and COVID-19

You may think COVID-19 and prostate cancer couldn’t possibly have anything in common. Yet, while prostate cancer and the novel coronavirus are clearly very different, some interesting similarities do exist. This episode addresses unique parallels between these two diseases. Dr. Scholz:      [00:03] We’re guiding you to treatment success and avoiding prostate cancer pitfalls.  I’m

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Finding Focal Therapy

Focal therapy treats only the section of the prostate gland that contains the cancer. These treatments appeal to men who want to preserve sexual and urinary function while trying for a cure. There are numerous types of focal therapies but they are all still in the research phase and much is still unknown about outcomes

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Applying Genetic Therapy

Genetic testing can indicate disease behavior, therapy success, and pre-disposal to prostate cancer. Therapies and decisions can be guided based on genetic profiles and knowledge of specific mutations. Discover genetic tests, genetically targeted therapies, and how to apply all this new, complex information to your prostate cancer. Dr. Scholz:  [00:04] Welcome to PROSTATE PROS. I’m

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Don’t Reject Radiation

Systemic radiation is injected radiation that circulates through the body to target metastasis.  There are several types of systemic radiation all of which have been shown to prolong life with limited side effects.  This episode covers current systemic radiation options as well as exciting, new advancements on the horizon.     If you have advanced prostate cancer,

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The Intelligence of Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy trains the patient’s own immune system to target and attack cancer cells. For men with prostate cancer immunotherapy can provide long-term efficacy with minimal side effects. This episode explores the innovations in immunotherapy including the use of off-label therapy and the promise of combination therapy. Don’t miss out on these new and exciting capabilities

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Approaching Chemotherapy

For many people, chemotherapy conjures up thoughts of debilitating sickness and end of the line therapy. Today this is no longer the case. With advancements in modern medicine, side effects from chemotherapy can be easily managed and reduced. Chemotherapy treats metastatic disease and prevents relapse in men with prostate cancer. This episode of PROSTATE PROS

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Hormone Therapy TIPs

Hormone therapy, or Testosterone Inactivating Pharmaceuticals, work to either stop testosterone’s production or limit testosterone’s activity in promoting prostate cancer growth. These powerful anti-cancer drugs can put men with prostate cancer in remission for years and in some cases even decades! Discover hormone therapy treatment protocol and monitoring, get insight to hormone resistance, and learn

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