Tag: stage

PSMA Imaging Detects Prostate Cancer Spread

Correctly assessing prostate cancer’s spread is essential for staging and treatment options. Until now, scanning technology has lacked both clarity and specificity, leaving treatment recommendations to partial information and guesswork. The new PSMA PET scan changes this. This episode of PROSTATE PROS explores the benefits of the PSMA PET scan and how it can be

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Finding Focal Therapy

Focal therapy treats only the section of the prostate gland that contains the cancer. These treatments appeal to men who want to preserve sexual and urinary function while trying for a cure. There are numerous types of focal therapies but they are all still in the research phase and much is still unknown about outcomes

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The Intelligence of Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy trains the patient’s own immune system to target and attack cancer cells. For men with prostate cancer immunotherapy can provide long-term efficacy with minimal side effects. This episode explores the innovations in immunotherapy including the use of off-label therapy and the promise of combination therapy. Don’t miss out on these new and exciting capabilities

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